Monday, 30 May 2011

Interesting thought - from my mail today!

I received the following message today from my Neale Donald Walsch subscriptions.

On this day of your life, Aarthi, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no financial crisis can overpower the peace of God.

At a time of extraordinary uncertainty, people are turning everywhere for answers. How about to God? Those who know God as a living reality in their lives are finding peace in the midst of turmoil, security in the face of fear.

It's all, in the end, about priorities. Life priorities. Do your priorities have to do with the body? Or with the soul?

I really liked the above quote, for I feel it is indeed very relevant in today's context. Being connected with the super power above us does fill us with a peace that cannot be matched. It gives the strength to face any ordeal.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Amazing Grace!

Here are words that I came across on the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust web site in the 'Prasanthi Today' updates section.

Somebody knows when your heart aches and everything seems to go wrong;
somebody knows when you are lonely, tired and discouraged;
somebody is hurt when you have fallen;
somebody loves you when you are given up by all;
He wants you and waits for you, and wants you to know that He waits for you.
He is Sathya Sai Baba!

I was just stunned into silence on reading those words. They echoed my thoughts last night. And I immediately felt Swami's presence with me. Thank you Swami for yet another shower of your amazing grace upon me!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Na-maha - Nothing is mine!

By Swami's grace, I had composed a short bhajan a few days ago. And I truly believe it is His grace that He gave me the words and tune that particular day. Hence, when someone asks, I keep saying that I cannot claim the tune or words to be mine, as they simply flowed that night when I sat down to compose.

I got this interesting forward from a friend, which reiterates that everything is God's gift to us and we can never really claim anything as ours. I just loved the words "Nothing is mine, everything is Yours" when I first read them. Indeed! Everything that I have is due to Swami's grace and nothing else.

Interestingly, in the Shri Rudram, there are two portions - Namakam and Chamakam. In the Namakam, most of the vedic text has 'namaha' which has two meanings - 'in praise of' and 'nothing is mine', while 'cha me' is found in majority of the Chamakam text. This was the inspiration for me to use 'Na-maha' as the title for this post!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

About touching people's lives

Here's a lovely quote which I got from Neale Donald Walsch today and I really felt it's a message from God. It's definitely not a coincidence that I got this message today. It's surely God's hand.

You are making a difference, whether you know it or not. So have no doubt about that.

You did it again yesterday. The way you touched
someone's life just yesterday made a difference. And
you are always doing that, do you know that?

Yes, yes...your smile, your encouraging word, your
willingness to just be "present" with another, has
touched people in more ways than you realize.

I only tell you this today so that you never lose faith.
Faith in how life is moving through you -- and how
you are moving through life.

Yesterday was my mom's b'day. Dad and I presented her with a small CD player, just a basic model 'coz she doesn't like any hi-tech stuff. Moreover, she does not like using headphones. She can use it in the kitchen.

Here's a pic of the model I bought.

This player has inbuilt speakers and all you need to do is insert a CD and press the Play button. That's all. She really liked it. :)

The above message reiterated the fact that going by my heart is a good thing for me. :) I'm sure glad I could make mom happy yesterday.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Being open, ready to accept help from any quarter

I got this interesting quote via email from the Neale Donald Walsch website (I'm subscribed to receive inspirational quotes from this site).

You should always have your hook baited. In the pool you least think, there will be a fish.

Ovid, the Greek poet, said that, and he was right. You never know when and where your next miracle will appear. So be ready. Be open. Be cheerful, receptive, even expectant.

And do not limit the shape and size in which your miracle can come. Sometimes the smallest keys turn the biggest locks.

So be on the lookout today. Be ready. You asked for some help, and you're going to get it.

I smiled when I read this quote, because yesterday, I did get help from some unexpected quarters.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

God saved the day!

This evening, we had a cultural program by Bal Vikas kids at Sri Sathya Sai Nivas, the Sai temple in Perambur, which is incidentally the first temple that Baba built outside the Prashanti Mandir.  It's turning 50 years old next year.

For those who are unaware, Bal Vikas classes are conducted in all Sai centers free for all kids who join, provided the kids are in the age group of 4 to 15. In these classes, the teachers help kids understand the core human values and how to practice them in their own little lives, thereby making them grow up with strong ideals. 

They tell the kids stories about great saints, philosophers, leaders; they teach them bhajans and devotional songs. According to their age, the kids are grouped and taught. It is not mere education. Kids learn how to lead a beautiful life - with all the good virtues like compassion, love, friendship, forbearance, willpower, faith, patience, etc.

I wish I had studied Bal Vikas but alas! Destiny had other plans. Anyway, I am happy whenever I get a chance to help with the cultural program by the Bal Vikas kids. Today was one such day.

Among other programs, there was one where a group of girls sang 3 songs, which I had helped them practice. I accompanied them on the harmonium for 2 songs, while I played on the keyboard for 1 song. As I played the background music on the keyboard, I accidentally pressed a wrong button and so, the in-built beat (tempo of the song) faded out and stopped. Thankfully, God made my reflex action work quickly and so, I was able to restart the beats within a few seconds. And the song continued ...

I had made such a grave mistake which could have spoilt the whole song but thank God! That was not to be...

When I spoke to one aunty about the program later, she told me that she thought I had deliberately stopped the beat and restarted it. LOL!! That was when I realized how God saved my day!! What I thought was a mistake (which I scrambled to correct hastily) was actually considered part of the show by the audience. Gosh! Truly, Swami never lets down any of His children, esp. during crucial moments. I experienced it today.

Thank you Swami! I hope you were happy watching the entire program today. All of us did our best.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

My tribute to Swami (Sathya Sai Baba)

The poem below was written in the wee hours of 4th May, 2011. I truly believe that Swami merely shed His mortal coil on April 24th and that He forever lives in the hearts of all His devotees. Even though I've had only a few darshans of His physical form, I have felt His unseen hand, His guiding presence in so many instances, in the smallest of things. Even now, I continue to feel His presence. And I know for sure He will always be with me, throughout my life. 

I was tossing and turning on May 4th early morning (around 3 am), unable to sleep. I was listening to the songs Swami's students had sung during the final ceremony on April 27th in the Prashanti Nilayam ashram (in Puttaparthi). Somehow, these thoughts came to me in a flow and I felt I should pen them down. 

The following poem is my humble tribute to Him and what I learnt from His life in the human form. 

You showed me what unconditional love is.

Pure and selfless…


You showed me what Divine Grace means…

… by turning my life around.

You showed me what transformation is all about.

You gave me hope to look into the future.

You filled my life with a purpose.

You made me realize I have a role to play in your Mission.

You have shown me what it means to just keep giving, without ever taking.

You have taught me that distance never matters; what does is a sincere thought of you, and you’re there beside me, holding me in your arms.

You have taught me to count my blessings and to appreciate the l’il joys of life.

Inexplicable bliss is what I’ve always felt after beholding your Divine Physical Form, though not once have you uttered a word or smiled.

You have left me wondering …

…how I can ever thank or repay you.

O Mother of Mothers, beloved Sai Maa, I have only one prayer now …

Help me make you my proud mother…

Make me your worthy instrument ‘til I merge in you!!!


Thursday, 5 May 2011

Mad about God!

I simply love the following lines that Sathya Sai Baba has given in one of His lovely discourses - it makes perfect sense to me!

"To a worldly man, a God-intoxicated person will appear mad and he will laugh at him for it. But to the God-intoxicated man, the worldly appear insane, foolish, misled, blind. Of all the insanities that harass man, God-madness is the least harmful, the most beneficial. The world has suffered untold damage due to its "mad" rulers and "mad" guides; but nothing but harmony, peace, brotherliness and love have come out of the 'God-madness' of man!"

Monday, 2 May 2011

My first blog - first post

What made me take to blogging today, after so many years of knowing about the existence of blogs? Well, it's divine will, I should say. I was cleaning up my shelves 2 days ago and simply discarding all unused, unwanted stuff. I spent some 4-5 hours on that task and I did feel a lot lighter at the end of it, because I felt holding on to unnecessary stuff was probably not a very good thing.
As if to reiterate the fact, I got a forward today with a wonderful PPT that talked about how we should discard useless stuff on a regular basis. And it's not just with regards to material objects (in my case, cds, junk jewellery, unwanted papers, etc.). It's also about letting go of our past unwanted memories, thoughts, fears, worries, etc. By doing so, we would create empty space and make way for new things to enter our lives.

I felt at peace on going through that PPT. I always go by my heart and even though I sometimes do things on an impulse, my heart is the factor that always drives me. Two days ago, when I did some 'spring cleaning', I did start doing it impulsively, but I also knew that it would help me in many ways. And if as to say 'Yes! You were right!', I received the forwarded PPT today. And I felt thankful. This may seem a small coincidence to others, but to me, my day has been made.

So, I thought to myself 'Why don't I start writing about the little things in my daily life that make me happy and leave an impact on me?' This thought provoked me to start this blog. Again, pls note that I have started this blog impulsively. :) I really dunno how regularly I can post. But, I do hope I can do so often. Writing does make me feel better. I also hope that just as I can often relate to what others write (based on what I experience in my own life), at least a few of the visitors to my blog can relate to what I write.
As for the title of this blog, it struck me as a flash. Since I am trying to discover my true self and I've just about started with baby steps, I felt it would be apt. I hope I can write posts that would in some way be related to this title. 

You can download and check the PPT that I mentioned at the foll. Google Docs link 

A request to all those who read this blog - pls do leave me your comments, esp. since this is my 1st post! 
Warm Regards,