Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Inner goodness

Felt very reassured on reading this in a message from my mailbox y'day.

"On this day of your life, Aarthi, I believe God wants you to know... 
...that your inner goodness is going to carry the day.

I know that you know what a good person you are.
Yes, we all make mistakes, but when everything is said and done, 
you are a genuinely good person...
...and you know it.

So here's what you should be told: God knows it, too.
Trust that your inner goodness will rule this moment..."

Monday, 28 May 2012

No place where God is not present

Do not despair or lose heart if vices trouble you. There is no place where God is not present. There is no being to whom He denies blessings. 

Grace manifests itself by quenching the flames within your heart and confers bliss which desire, anger and miserliness can never confer. 

God is immanent and eternal. Follow the path and obey the ideals laid down by the Lord with relentless discipline. Your mind will be purified and divine grace will be reflected therein.

-- Bhagawan Baba

Sunday, 27 May 2012


"The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is Sathsang (good company).  The company of the good and the godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the persons prone to straying away from the straight path towards Self-Realization."

- A quote by Baba, taken from Sanathana Sarathi

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Difference between human and demon

The difference between human and demon (Maanava and Daanava) is just this – human beings should have morality, self-control and compassion (Dharma, Dhama and Daya). Demons do not have these, nor do they consider them as desirable characteristics; they ignore them and pay no heed to the prompting of these virtues. 

On the contrary, these three are in fact the essential qualities of every man. Every being in the universe is a pilgrim on the path from demon to human to divine. The number of stages in this journey is as many as the number of hearts in this universe! Each pilgrim moves at their own speed and with the Name and Form that inspires them.

-- Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, 25 May 2012

'Get red of your soiled nature'

"People buy dark coloured clothes, so that they may not reveal its dirt; 
they do not prefer white clothes, for they show plainly their soiled condition. 
But, do not try to hide your dirt in darkness; 
be repentful of soiled natures and endeavour to cleanse them fast."

Bhagawan Baba

Thursday, 24 May 2012

A mesg from God - On kindness and generosity

Got this msg y'day in my mail. It made me smile. :) And feel so good inside. 

"On this day of your life, Aarthi, I believe God wants you to know...

...that kindness is one of your wonderful traits, but where you really shine is in your generosity.

It is one thing to be kind, and you are that. 
 Yet it is quite another thing to also be unfailingly generous--
with your time, your talent and energy, 
your willingness to 'be there' for others, and yes, with your money.

You are a generous person, and that takes kindness to a new level. 
Be happy in the knowingness of this."

Monday, 21 May 2012

God's msg today

"You are on the right path; you are marching straight 
to your own joy, and to happiness for others."

I was indeed thrilled to see this message. I esp. liked the part 'to your own joy, and to happiness for others', b'coz I like to be happy and also make others happy. Here's more of the mesg, which I got in my email today.

Did you need a "signal" from the Universe about this?
Consider that signal as having been sent...

Now it is just a matter of trust. Do you trust that God
knows what She is doing?

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

I take this as a positive sign from God and as a sign of good times ahead, for it is hope that keeps me going. :)

Count ur blessings

I've never made a fortune,
and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much,
I'm happy anyhow.

I smiled when I read these few lines 'coz I felt they were written for me. :)