Thursday, 31 January 2013

God draws me unto Him; that is His nature

"God draws the individual towards Himself. It is the nature of both to have this mutual affinity; they are just like the iron and magnet. But if the iron is rusty, covered with layers of dirt, the magnet is unable to attract. Remove the impurities, then you will shine forth in your real nature and the Lord will draw you unto Him. Spiritual practices (Sadhana) should result in inner as well as external cleanliness. You do not feel refreshed if you wear unwashed clothes after your bath. Nor do you feel clean if you wear washed clothes, but skip taking bath. Hence, both are needed – the baahya (external) and the bhaava (internal). Trials and tribulations are the means by which this cleansing is done. They are like the dietary and other restrictions prescribed to supplement the effect of the drug of Namasmarana (remembrance of God)."

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 1, Vijayadasami 1953.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Good may suffer at the hands of time but not in the hands of God

I came across this quote a few days ago. It made me feel reassured. :)

"Have patience, My child, and know that the good may sometimes suffer in the hands of time but will never suffer in the hands of God."

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

God loves every devotee and is aware of his/her trials and tribulations

"God will not be attracted by learning, wealth or material possessions. God is drawn only by devotion. Take to Him, any troubles you have – He will accept all of them and fill you with joy. God loves every devotee. He accepts you for who you are. He is aware of all the difficult situations, trials and tribulations you go through and your devotion to Him, which gives you so much happiness. 

However, this devotion alone is not enough. What is needed is the regulation of that Divine Love, in the form of virtue and service. Do not criticize others, rather criticize yourself. Have the Name of the Lord on your tongue and the Form of the Lord before your eye. If you shape yourself this way, the place where you live will be the holiest of all. Let all your activities be directed only towards this purification in your hearts. I bless each and every one of you with success, in this noble effort!"

-- Bhagawan Baba in a divine discourse on Feb 3, 1964

Beautiful start to the New Year

Swami made my day yesterday by showing me yet again His powerful presence in my life and brought a smile to my lips.

We subscribe to the Bal Vikas magazine and it usually reaches us by post during the 1st week of every month. But surprisingly, it reached us yesterday afternoon. :) I felt so blessed that Swami chose to come home on the New Year Day. It's we people who make a fuss about New Year, etc. For Swami, every moment is new and He says that only when we start changing old habits and develop new ones, does the year truly become new. Still, for our joy, He does things that make us happy.

There was a beautiful picture of Swami in the inside cover of the magazine. He has a charming smile on it. Also, a few of the messages that I read in the magazine were so apt and I thanked Swami for the same. These are real gems.

One was this -- "Be convinced that there is a God, guiding and guarding us. Remember Him with gratitude. Pray to Him to render you pure. Love all; serve all. Join good company. Visit temples and holy men."

Another was -- "Bear all and do nothing. Hear all and say nothing. Give all and take nothing. Serve all and be nothing."

I was very touched by this one, which I have read many times earlier too --

"God draws you to Him to re-form and re-shape you. God is a kind of smith who repairs broken, leaky and damaged 'human-ware'. He is adept at fixing broken hearts, fragile minds and warped intellects, feeble resolutions and fading faith. Come to Him with hands that salute in prayer, hands that are eager to serve. Then, He fills them with loads of Grace."

I also loved this one -- "It is is always preferable to approach God for the fulfillment of your wants, rather than cringe before others, who themselves are but tools in the hands of God. In his own silent way, God will transform the mind and turn it towards spiritual practices and successful spiritual pilgrimage.

He cannot allow His children to lose their way and suffer in the jungle. When you approach God and seek His help and guidance, you have taken the first step to save yourself. You are then led to accept His will as your own. Thus, you achieve peace."

A couple of stories that I read were also wonderful. Thank you Swami for your reassuring presence on New Year Day. :)