draws the individual towards Himself. It is the nature of
both to have this mutual affinity; they are just like the
iron and magnet. But if the iron is rusty, covered with
layers of dirt, the magnet is unable to attract. Remove the
impurities, then you will shine forth in your real nature
and the Lord will draw you unto Him. Spiritual practices
(Sadhana) should result in inner as well as
external cleanliness. You do not feel refreshed if you wear
unwashed clothes after your bath. Nor do you feel clean if
you wear washed clothes, but skip taking bath. Hence, both
are needed – the baahya (external) and the
bhaava (internal). Trials and tribulations are the
means by which this cleansing is done. They are like the
dietary and other restrictions prescribed to supplement the
effect of the drug of Namasmarana (remembrance of
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 1, Vijayadasami 1953.