Saturday, 27 August 2011

Striking lines from Shirdi Sai Satcharita

I came across these lines today in the English translation of Shirdi Sai Satcharita by Mrs. Indira Kher. I felt they apply to Bhagwan Baba and I drew solace from them.

How can it be said, that Baba was alive only while he was in the physical body and that he is dead because he has taken Samadhi?

He is in fact, beyond life and death and pervades this creation, animate and inanimate.

Once you look to Sai with love and affection, he is in your power, all your life. He wants nothing but single-minded love and devotion and comes running to your help, when you call him.

Neither time nor place can then restrain him; he stands behind you firmly, all the time and for ever. How he will press the spring and where we do not know, for all his doings are inconceivable!

Such is his planning, that innumerable doubts and misconceptions will arise in the mind. But when we concentrate on his feet at such a time, our power of meditation and contemplation grows.

I especially loved the line "Once you look to Sai with love and affection, he is in your power, all your life." So true! Swami wants only one offering from all of us - LOVE! And when we love Him with single-minded devotion, He's willing to shower His blessings on us.

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